Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Linear Growth

of, or relating to, or resembling a straight line
only one dimension

Linear Growth was what I was talking about when I posted on "Income Creation" where you work for money; either in your own business or as a professional or working at a job for others. In linear income growth you get out what you put in, nothing more, nothing less. If you work for others, you wait for the year long increment and bonus which sometimes can be a disappointment. If you provide services for others, you wait for the project to come and worked hard for the fees paid to you. In these 2 scenarios, your life would probably be....
  • you get one day a week to spend with your family
  • you might not get more than $40,000 a year (more for professional) no matter how hard you work
  • you get your hard earned annual leave of 14 or 21 days but you are too broke to take the family for a rewarding holiday and for professional if you take off, your income stopped
  • you seldom get time off and when you do you are either exhausted or broke to enjoy it
  • you get your paycheck end of every month, and you have to be back on the time-for-money treadmill again the next month
Of course there is a way out. We can break this time-for-money trap with leveraging. In my last post, I used the Coca-cola story to illustrate the power of leveraging. Now there are lots of way to leverage..... big corporation leverage by using their employees. By copying the right kind of leverage in the right situation you can literally grow bigger and faster........ which takes me to the next subject..........EXPONENTIAL GROWTH

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