Saturday, January 12, 2008

Be a Master Builder of Your Life

Watch this Building Life

I watch this slide-show by an anonymous writer and I find it to be true to life. Whatever we choose to do in our life, we need to do it with our heart, otherwise, we will end up like this excellent carpenter with immaculate carpenter skill but who built his own house shoddily.

Remember, your life is yours to live. You don’t live it for your parents, your spouse or even for your children. Evidently how you live and die rest fully upon yourself in your own two hands.

Be a master builder of your own life and allow the next generation to emulate your good example by living a healthy, wealthy and happy life. Take care of your own health, work hard to build your financial wealth and while doing both stay happy.


JBY said...

Nice slide-show. Can i share this with others as well?

aliciaallyloh said...

Sorry, I was away in Beijing for 3 weeks and would you believe it, I cannot view there. The firewall in China somehow block the viewing function but I was able to post without seeing how my post looks like.

Yes of course you can share anything in this blog with as many people as you want.