Sunday, March 16, 2008

Retirement Timeline

"Majority neglect retirement plan"; an article in The Star reads on 14 March 2008. Most of Malaysian have not prepared for retirement while those who have only started after age 40.

If you want to retire comfortably, it is definitely too late to start planning at age 40 not to mention wanting to retire rich and young. I asked myself "Why do we do that?" Merely because we are too busy with our daily life and kept putting off planning for our retirement because the word "retirement" sounds too far away?

Retirement is in fact the most important phase in one's life and I felt strongly that the timeline for retirement should begin the minute we finished college. Right, young people out there must think I am being ridiculous. You have not even started to earn money or gotten your first job, why should there be thoughts of retiring......

You are absolutely right, and that how the statistics ended ...."leaving it too late to plan for your retirement".

I was just suggesting that you start to plan towards your retirement. I am a strong believer of the phrase "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail" and it is necessary to include a retirement timeline to your aspirations and your life's goals.

Everyone should plan for their future and if your future plans include how and when you want to retire, it will help you have a clear view of how rich or how young you will retire. Planning this step of your future will definitely encourages and pushes you to achieve your life's goals faster and more effectively.

"You start to live once you do not need to earn to live!!"

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