“If you know that you do not know”; this is knowledge in itself!!
Time and again, we think that we have already learned and that we have great knowledge but then, when you start to really listen to others you may realize that there are still a lot more to learn.
My grandmother used to lament this all too famous Chinese phrase (literally translated) “Eat till old, learn till old” meaning that there is no ending to learning. And there is another Chinese idiom (also literally translated) “The next mountain is even higher than this one” which means to say that “you may be smart but there are smarter people out there”.
These sayings are true and can be applied to investing and how to invest. Investing is a life’s journey and the destination is never in sight. You learn and get better as you travel along this road. You learn to differentiate the pebbles from the sands and the stones from the pebbles.
The next 2 postings will give you the 8 simple rules to follow that will help you along the fine journey of life. Let them guide you to a fun filled and pleasurable path…….
1. Don’t panic
2. Don’t be greedy
3. Don’t be impatient
4. Don’t take risk
5. Don’t be snobbish
6. Don’t worry
7. Don’t be out of perspective
8. Be specific
There's a phrase, but i forget what's the exact word which sounds, "The more i know, the more i realize things that i don't know."
From my personal experience, i used to think that i'm invincible and know it all in the world of finance. But after few failures which nearly devastate my financial life... i started to realize i'm not that intelligent after all.
From that day onwards, i remind myself i'm not that good, and started to listen more than speak. But funny thing is... Hehehe... i understand what others are talking all the time.
These are 2 that I know....
"The more you know, the more you realise you don't know" or
"The more you learn, the more you realise what you don't know".
There is a Mandarin one ...
"He doesn't know he doesn't know,
He knows he doesn't know,
He doesn't know he knows"
Sounds confusing isn't it?
I like this one best which I read somewhere "As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it".
I quite agree with you that we should listen more than speak. It is, I supposed one good way to learn. No wonder God gave us 2 ears and only 1 mouth.... haha
Life is a great journey of adventure... lets us continue to enjoy learning and learn from each other....
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