A man builds a fine house;
and now he has a master,
he is to furnish, watch, show it,
and keep it in repair;
the rest of his days.
Ralph Waldo Emerson 1870
Question: Think, is a house an asset or a liability?
Answer: Both. Liability because, as with the above quotation of Emerson, if you buy a house or build one, the house become your master as now you have just gained a “master” for yourself, you have created a task for life. You have to furnish, clean, repair, maintain and keep it in liveable condition for the rest of your life.
It will only become an asset if you purchase this house at a good price to sell it when the price appreciate and meanwhile it is rentable to earn you money, earn you more than what you can get if you put your cash in the bank.
Let us now try to understand the difference between an asset and a liability.
- Real Estate
- Stocks
- Mutual Funds
- Bonds & Notes
- Rentable properties
- Cash
- Mortgages
- Credit cards
- Loans (all kinds)
- Property for own dwelling
- Car for own use
A generic rule is all assets can earn you money while liabilities are those that cost you money.
The poor spent their total income on day-to-day expenses, sometimes the income is not even enough to cover living expenses; while the middle class purchase liabilities that were mistaken for assets like a home, one or two cars and luxury items like big screen televisions etc. Only the rich accumulate income-generating assets on an ongoing basis.
The poor will always be struggling to avoid hunger and should the breadwinner fall ill, most will end up depending on charity.
The middle class will continually be on the race spending only on the sole income which is the monthly salary. As salary increase, so do the taxes and inflation which probably increase faster than the salary. Therefore the middle class will constantly in a financial struggle. They usually ended up paying mortgages of their home and car, treating these to be their assets.
Meanwhile, the rich will get richer as they are on the continuous lookout to acquire more money earning assets and investments. Their expenses will remain constant while their income-generating assets increase earnings for them.
Why is our home a liability? It is because you spend your earned wages for the following:-
- The middle class work all their lives to pay off the mortgage of a home, usually a 25-year loan, assuming you start at 30years old, you will only pay off you loan at 55, just as you were about to retire.
- You need to put aside a portion of your monthly earnings for maintenance and utilities.
- Even if your home value appreciate, you are unable to dispose of as this is your only dwelling.
- Annual yearly taxes like assessment tax, quit rent etc.
Start planning when you are still young. I would encourage all Generation X and Y kids to learn about assets and liabilities and understand the difference. If you are still young and have just started to earn a salary, you would probably still be living with your parents, therefore you do not need to purchase a home yet. You should just do the following:-
1. Understand what is the difference between a liability and an asset
2. Concentrate on purchasing income-generating assets
3. Keep your liabilities and utilities expenses to the minimum
This theory will confuse those who studied accounting, coz it's based on what is owned, and what is owed only.
But anyway, those who wants to learn personal finance should try to get things clear for themselves.
About the question whether a house is asset or a liability, well said! ;)
A house is a security. A stock is a security too. The word, "Security" here doesn't mean anything about safety, but something about in value.
If a house earns more than what we paid, this security becomes an asset. But if the house become vacant with no income. This security is now a liability.
Aahh~~ Among so many personal finance subject, i like this second the most :D
I am glad you understand and know the difference between a house being a liability and an asset.
A lot of people still think that a house is definitely an asset and once they bought themselves a new house, they will spend their hard earned money knocking away the structure and still new tiles, doors, windows etc to put in they design they like.
They forget that the value of the house does not increase with the cost of renovation.
If you have read "Rich Dad Poor Dad" then you will understand what I meant.
I wish more people would make more comment and put up more discussion. It is a fun way to learn.
Your blog is doing good. Maybe just a little slow, but that's just the beginning. Keep it up!
At least you spare some time to put effort into writing these posts. I still having hard time trying to even start. Hahahaha.
Hey just-simple
Thank you for your encouragement. Sometimes I also do not know what to write. Usually the inspiration just come to me and I can't stop, thats why some of my posts are too wordy. I felt I got so much to share with too many words; tendency of being boring.
You write quite well yourself too. All you need to do is to just get it started, not to think too much about it and the rest will usually follow quite smoothly.
Have fun while you are doing it, don't make it become a chore.
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