While you are getting out of debt, you should stay out of further debt. It is very important that you must exercise your self-discipline. If you were in debt before and if you are still in debt, it does show that you have very weak discipline……discipline in managing your money.
The usage of your credit card contributes to your credit score whether positively or negatively. Positively, is the usage while negatively, is how you pay back the money you spent. If you regularly service the interest and pay on time with at least the minimum pay back amount, then this is a plus point for your credit score.
On the other hand, not being able to settle your card fully every month will not be good for your personal finance management as “interest charged” on the unpaid portion is “money spent”. Above that, the interest charged by credit card companies are very high (18% per annum = 1.5% per month). These charges will eat into your personal wealth.
1 comment:
I use Credit Cards the same as cash. If I don't have it I don't use it. Not hard at all to avoid debt like that.
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