Monday, September 3, 2007

Are your suffering from “EXCUSITIS” disease”?

You have just done your annual medical check up and your medical report seems fine except that you have to take care of that cholesterol level which is on the borderline. Or that blood pressure of yours which is on the borderline. But your medical examination will not be able to detect the EXCUSITIS disease.

Excusitis disease is very easy to diagnose…… have you been postponing putting that 20% of your earnings into an investment account? Or have you been telling yourself the following:-

I am too old

I am too young

It is too late

I don’t know how to invest

It is not easy to get rich

You have to work very hard

It is not easy/It is too difficult

I will wait for the right time

I can’t do it

I am not good in handling money

I don’t have time

At anytime if you have utter or even thought of one of the above negative statement, you are sick…. no matter what is stated in your medical report…… YOU ARE SUFFERING FROM THIS DISEASE CALLED “EXCUSITIS” disease.

S T O P ……. stop making excuses, stop procrastinating……. Put your thoughts and feelings into a plan…… put your plan into action……. start now.


Unknown said...

I read your blog. Impressive. If only the young ones today are as devoted and careful about financial planning ... this will inspire them. You have made a great contribution to soceity. Even I started quite late in life ... but I don't reckon it is not too late yet.
Keep well.
Rgds - James Loo

aliciaallyloh said...

Hey James.
Thanks for the encouraging comment. Its just a simple blog because I am new to such things. Ya, we all started late because there were no one there to tell us what to do. So I thought I will be that "someone" to tell whatever I know to whoever wants to listen and join me in my learning journey.

I always believe that it is never too old to learn.
All the best